Friday, 17 September 2010


A big thank you goes out to Ednah Walters who sent me a finished copy of her novel Awakened so that it could go in a tour. I'd not heard of Awakened before but hey it's got a hot boy with wings on the cover and that's all I need to know ;-). If you're interested, check out the GoodReads description here. As always, just leave me a comment with your name and e mail address if you want to sign up for this. Also, don't forget to read the rules before participating.

I've added add a new feature so you can link your reviews to the site. When you've read and reviewed the book, please remember to come back and link your review. Thanks :)


Claire (Cem) said...

Seriously, quit adding books that sound awesome, I already have too full a TBR shelf ;) And very hot cover!!


Splendibird said...

This sounds interesting, so yes please. Not heard anything about it before, so am super curious.


Ynysawdre Elderly Residents Association said...

Oh sounds good.

Dwayne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sarah said...

Love this cover & the story sounds great too :o) Please add me to the list!

sarahsreviews at ymail dot com

AngelGoneMad said...

Hi Lyns,

Please add me to this tour.

Naomi aka Supernatural Bookworm

shoutnaomi at googlemail dot com