Monday, 20 September 2010


Thank you to Michelle for sending me I am Number Four by Pittacus Lore to go in a tour. I'm sure the majority of us will have heard of this book by now, especially as it's being made into a movie starring Alex Pettyfer. YUM. I'm definitely intrigued to read the book though and ideally, before the movie comes out. Just in case you're not sure what the story is all about, check out the GoodReads description here. As always, just leave me a comment with your name and e mail address if you want to sign up for this. Also, don't forget to read the rules before participating.

I've added add a new feature so you can link your reviews to the site. When you've read and reviewed the book, please remember to come back and link your review. Thanks :)

Saturday, 18 September 2010


I know a lot of you have been getting ARC's of Entangled by Cat Clarke and some of you have even asked to come off the tour. Can I remind you though that you can write a personal message to Cat in the tour copy as the ARC is going back to her at the end.

With this in mind, please be sure you want to come off the tour and let me know.


Friday, 17 September 2010


This is my own copy of The Emerald Talisman by Brenda Pandos. I haven't actually read it yet (have you SEEN my TBR pile?!) but I've heard good things about it and obviously enough for me to have bought it. If you're not familiar with the book, check out the GoodReads description here. As always, just leave me a comment with your name and e mail address if you want to sign up for this. Also, don't forget to read the rules before participating.

I've added add a new feature so you can link your reviews to the site. When you've read and reviewed the book, please remember to come back and link your review. Thanks :)


A big thank you goes out to Ednah Walters who sent me a finished copy of her novel Awakened so that it could go in a tour. I'd not heard of Awakened before but hey it's got a hot boy with wings on the cover and that's all I need to know ;-). If you're interested, check out the GoodReads description here. As always, just leave me a comment with your name and e mail address if you want to sign up for this. Also, don't forget to read the rules before participating.

I've added add a new feature so you can link your reviews to the site. When you've read and reviewed the book, please remember to come back and link your review. Thanks :)

13 TO LIFE Tour

In case you missed the UK tour back in June when it released, and also in preparation for the sequel entitled Secrets and Shadows, I am putting my own copy of 13 To Life by Shannon Delany in a tour. I'm seriously hoping to get an ARC for Secrets and Shadows when it releases so keep your fingers crossed! Obviously, if I do then it will go on a tour. If you're not familiar with the book then check out the GoodReads description here or check out my review on my regular blog Narratively Speaking here. As always, just leave me a comment with your name and e mail address if you want to sign up for this. Also, don't forget to read the rules before participating.

I've added add a new feature so you can link your reviews to the site. When you've read and reviewed the book, please remember to come back and link your review. Thanks :)


In case you missed the UK tour when Angel Star by Jennifer Murgia was first released back in May, here is your chance to read it. I'm putting my own copy of Angel Star in a tour so you can read it before the sequel LEMNISCATE is released. I'm hoping to get an ARC of that, but that's not definite yet. If you're unfamiliar with the story, you can check out the GoodReads description here or my review on my regular blog Narratively Speaking here. As always, just leave me a comment with your name and e mail address if you want to sign up for this. Also, don't forget to read the rules before participating.

I've added add a new feature so you can link your reviews to the site. When you've read and reviewed the book, please remember to come back and link your review. Thanks :)


I wanted to let you all know that I've sent you all a little surprise (don't get too excited, it's only something small) but I thought you might like it.

Also, you may remember that Girl Parts went missing. You may also know that recently I have been putting together bookcases and getting my collection in order. Guess what I found in one of the boxes? Yep, Girl Parts *headdesk*. I honestly thought I'd sent it out so I will be doing that now. I'm about to put another couple of books on tour (which are my own copies but I wanted to share them with you). Hope you'll sign up if you're interested in reading. Don't forget to post your reviews anywhere you can think of including your blog, GoodReads, Amazon, The Book Depository, Barnes & Noble (US site) to get the word out there about the books you love.

The Raised By Wolves Tour is going good guns with only a couple of people left to read the book although the annotated ARC has some work to do to get round you all. Can I ask that you send it recorded delivery (so it doesn't get lost and it only costs a few pence more than first class post) and that you write your thoughts in there and send it off ASAP to the next person. Don't hang on to it for days as we're running out of time now. The book has to be back to me to present to Jennifer by 4th October. Am I having a panic attack about this? I may well be!

Anyway, I hope you're all happy with the tours and if you have any helpful suggestions or feedback, please let me know.


Tuesday, 14 September 2010


Radiance by Alyson Noel is the spin off series from her Immortals books (Evermore, Blue Moon, Shadowland, Dark Flame). I have an extra copy of this and so I thought I would put it in a tour for all you lovely bloggers to read. Check out the GoodReads description here. As always, just leave me a comment with your name and e mail address if you want to sign up for this. Also, don't forget to read the rules before participating.

I've added add a new feature so you can link your reviews to the site. When you've read and reviewed the book, please remember to come back and link your review. Thanks :)


A HUGE THANK YOU goes out to Lisa Desrochers for giving me what was one of her last ARCs for Personal Demons. She knew how desperate I was to read it and how unlikely it was that I could since US publishers are reluctant to send books overseas for cost reasons and the UK rights have not yet been sold. Personally, I would encourage publishers to JUMP on this book and acquire it NOW! So yes, I've read it and no, I was not dissapointed. It was everything I could have hoped for and more. I'm about to write my review for it and I'm guessing it's going to be a major gushfest. This was a FANTASTIC debut from Lisa and hot as hell! I LOVED IT so much that I've just bought my own copy of it. So with that kind of recommendation, how can you NOT sign up for this?!

The cover art I've used is actually for the ARC as the final copy of the book has a different cover. I prefer the ARC cover though so that's what I've used and that's the book that is going on tour. If you haven't heard of this book, check out Lisa's blog or the GoodReads description here.

As always, just leave me a comment with your name and e mail address if you want to sign up for this. Also, don't forget to read the rules before participating. P.s. I'm Team Luc all the way baby.

I've added add a new feature so you can link your reviews to the site. When you've read and reviewed the book, please remember to come back and link your review. Thanks :)

Friday, 10 September 2010


OMG you guys!!!!! Thank you to the very awesome Emma at Asamum Booktopia we have an ARC of Crescendo, the sequel to Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick. This is not released in the UK for another month! This is a book I've been desperate to read and I hope you are too. I'm not going to add a Goodreads description as there may be spoilers on there but if you've read Hush Hush, you'll want to sign up for this. As always, just leave me a comment with your name and e mail address if you want to sign up for this. Also, don't forget to read the rules before participating.

I've added add a new feature so you can link your reviews to the site. When you've read and reviewed the book, please remember to come back and link your review. Thanks :)


I'm guessing that most people have heard of Angel by L.A. Weatherly but I'm not sure if everyone has had a chance to read it so I'm putting it on a tour. I've still got to read this but I'm an angel girl so I know I'm going to enjoy it. I'm also really looking forward to meeting L.A. Weatherly on her UK tour next month!! If you haven't heard of this book or aren't sure what it's about, then check out the Goodreads description here. As always, just leave me a comment with your name and e mail address if you want to sign up for this. Also, don't forget to read the rules before participating.

I've added add a new feature so you can link your reviews to the site. When you've read and reviewed the book, please remember to come back and link your review. Thanks :)

Friday, 3 September 2010


Hi guys, I've got an update for you. I'm having to split the two ARCs up to make the tour go faster so I'm sending the ANNOTATED ARC (i.e. the one you can write in) to people who have already read the book first. I'm going to send the CLEAN ARC (i.e. the one you can't write in) to people who haven't read the book so they can make notes for when they DO get the annotated ARC. Hope that makes sense! I strongly feel that we should send the ANNOTATED ARC recorded delivery so that we can track it. I would be devastated if it got lost in the mail and we had nothing to present to Jennifer in October. Hope everyone agrees with this.

I now have confirmation that the Bloggers launch party for Raised by Wolves will be on 4th October from 5pm onwards and the invitations have gone out! I really hope that you guys can make it and of course I will be there and hopefully get to meet some of you!

Any questions, queries etc then please contact me.