Friday, 18 February 2011

AGENT 21 Tour

Thank you to Random House Children's Books for providing me with a review copy of Agent 21 by Chris Ryan. Chris is of course the ex SAS guy who has written a lot of successful adult books however this is his latest YA offering. The synopsis reads like it could be a movie and definitely one that might have boys interested but I think girls would be interested too, especially if the MC was hot LOL. If you've not heard of this book before or are curious as to what it's about, please check out the Goodreads description here.

As always, just leave me a comment with your name and e mail address if you want to sign up for this. Also, don't forget to read the rules before participating. I cannot stress this enough, especially if you are new to the site. Also, I'd recommend taking a look at So you want to join a tour?


Books for Company said...

l would like to give this one a go please!
booksforcompany @

AngelGoneMad said...

Hi Lyns,

Please add me to this tour.


Naomi aka Supernatural Bookworm

shoutnaomi at googlemail dot com

Books Glorious Books said...

This looks interesting, I would love to give this one a try!